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Global activity

Daewoo E&C identifies the needs of local communities through its network with local communities at overseas sites and international
relief organizations and practices social contributions accordingly. Through various customized activities, we strive for coexistence with
local communities at our overseas sites, and we plan to further contribute to the development of overseas communities as well as
the promotion of health and education through close collaboration with international relief organizations.

Global society contribution activity
Global society contribution activity
Country Our Site/Branch name
Czech Republic ㆍSupport local ngo organizations based on local needs
Nigeria ㆍBuild Nigeria Technical Training Center, Support 217 Local cataract
ㆍSurgeries and 396 eye examinations(with Vision Care)
Iraq ㆍEstablish early childhood education center in Basra Alpo, Iraq(with UNICEF)
Vietnam ㆍVietnamese shelter construction in Korea (with Habitat)
ㆍ170 cataract surgeries for locals, and 340 eye examinations (with Vision Care)
2022 Vietnam Eye Disease Patient Screening and Cataract Surgery Support
Building the Nigeria Technical Training Center (WELDING SCHOOL) and Guiding Trainees